Museu fara Ziduri este rezidenta artistica din Jimbolia organizata de Horatiu Christian Pavelescu (Artdendum), unde am fost si eu invitata anul asta din 15 pana in 25 august, alaturi de 14 artisti romani si sarbi, mega cul cul cul. Mai multe detalii despre asta si alte proiecte ale artistilor implicati se pot vedea pe fbook.

Museum without Walls is the artistic residency from Jimbolia organized by Horatiu Christian Pavelescu (Artdendum),where I was invited this year from 15 until the 25th of august, together with 14 Romanian and Serbian artists, very cool cool cool. More details on this and other projects of the artists present are available on fbook.

Koji Ti Je Andrak, 80x80cm, marker, acrylic on canvas, 2013

nou nou, 80x80cm, marker on canvas, 2013

Liniste, Andrak la lucru, 80x80cm, marker on canvas, 2013
