
Lucrarea reprezintă o vedere aeriană a unei zone industriale fictive din Timişoara, ce poartă numele unui cartier istoric real, Fabric (unde o comunitate multietnică a pus bazele industriei locale, la începutul secolului XVIII). Pictura prezintă, ca într-o redare cu infraroşu ce acoperă 300 de ani, suprapunerea mişcării muncitorilor peste acumularea structurilor imobile – doar centrul rămâne neatins.

fabric, 60x60cm, marker, spray on canvas, 2014


The work represents an aerial view of a fictional industrial part of Timişoara, which holds the name of an actual historical area, Fabric (where a multi-ethnic community formed the local industry, at the beginning of the 18th century). The painting shows, in an infrared-like view of a period of 300 years, the superimposition of the movement of the workers over the accumulation of immovable structures – only the centre remains untouched.